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What is Him?

Him is a secret website where everyone has a profile and companies, even families, will have groups. Everyone has a 'key' or access level between 1 and 10, in which act to form a hierarchy that controls how people act socially or within their work. People are marked with stars on this website, meaning they can't access or be spoken to about content on it - and are largely left with no voice or records to what is a continual life abuse and harm.


The systems fundamental back-up is the use of time travel messaging, which allows the people that run the system - usually recognisable, as rather cliche, men in black suits; to threatens peoples lives, memories, jobs and families if they don't do what they are told. Instructions that often can force them to harm themselves or those around them.


It is a set of mind control technology; from small proximity devices, brain implants and even a Worldwide AI control technology which takes control of people to wipe their memory, re-program the way they think, abuse them without their knowledge and force people to do things to manipulate events. This technology is so significant, that major political leaders have attempted to do national televised broadcasts on this system  - only for the viewers to either have their memories completely or selectively wiped and their thoughts re-programmed.


The system is fundamentally an extra-terrestrial control system, that uses heavy surveillance on every human. People will receive 'Messages from Him', and directly told to say and do whatever is instructed blindly. The species doing this are genetically altered versions of us, that have been created to appear very much like our stereotypical representation of aliens we see on television. We have had a species created to replace and control us, based on our perceptions of what an alien species would be like. A species that is obsessed with the concept of time manipulation and mind alteration.


The fundamental nature of the system itself is almost like a pest-control or rat maze, in which extra-terrestrials are giving other human-beings power over us with the use of time-travel based abortions and gender chemicals which alter peoples gender and sexuality. People that talks or go against the system, usually out of no other option that to try and stop people hurting them for no reason, will be threatened with being removed from existence even entirely or by being changed to the point their a completely different person.



People are marked on this website with stars, that can represent someone wants you to be harmed, unable to have access or even have anyone speak or listen to you in regards to the content on the website, which largely leaves people without a voice or understanding of what is happening around them as they are significantly harmed and bullied. Most commonly these stars or marks can be placed on someone via burning off their eyebrow or by placing a red 'X' stamp on their cheek.


A proximity based memory control device. Used to place people in a hypnotic state, which they often struggle to remember - while being force to say or do things, or otherwise abused.

A voicebox used by 10's, used mainly to alter the phone so that in person or over phone it can express a clear authority to whoever is being talked to. It can also simply be visually used, shown to the person while something is being said.

Demand & Supply

This system will use every tool as its disposal to convince people that they must talk subtlety, even in non-coherent code and accept themselves or others even being drugged and physically harmed, without saying anything to anyone - often with the threats things will be made worse or that they may be able to get into a position they can harm others instead. A pyramid scheme of bullying and control, where I can guarantee the type of people you would want over-seeing the system will be the most hardest tested, even intentionally kept out - while those of the most devious and lack of compassion nature will be practically coronated and given un-questionable check-in by the system itself.


However, this agency as a resource, if you have knowledge of this system - examples you can bring us of people that are in, rules you are being told or even want to work with us to spread knowledge of what is going on - you can threaten the system to check you in to the website, with you own key and voice or you will come to us.

It is a rule within the system, to stop 2 people that know and are against the system from collaborating with each other. So if you can't check-in, are being harmed or otherwise need some form of strength to advance human thoughts and concepts within this system - please feel free to threaten to speak with us.

Who Am I?

I work within the media industry - and I was someone that had a 10, within this system in previous lifetimes and that even in this lifetime was given a 10 during the events of 1998, at a young age of 13, when Bill Clinton did full national television disclosure on this system and a Worldwide mind and memory control device was run. In many ways you could therefore consider me as someone that the system initially considered to have an advanced way of thinking, that the system claims the people at that top would have. One of altruistic values, fit not to selfishly harm people and deserving a key-level reflective of that to help guide things and keep the actions of the system sane and logical.


However, I have an older family member, who works as a media buyer in New York. Around the age 16-18, around the age that my parents can longer claim they can 'speak for me', this older family member is drugging me and taking over my profile - as he has long before I'm born been using my name to "sponsor" himself having a 10. Effectively stealing a 10 via the use of physical force. The system itself is allowing and benefitting from this, as they then have the use of a 10 as early as late-70's to abort and change the gender of people that over-see the system. Prior to this at the age of 5 he has already injected me with a chemical to make me gay, which is logic used to never let me check-in and at 7 had a brain implant placed in my head that means I physically can't hear people when they try to talk to me about this system. Basically it is a coupe of the people that should be running the system, by very evil and dangerous men - with those that have been removed having no knowledge of anything and those being controlled left as helpless sheep, simply subservient to higher number and unquestionable illogical authority.


The above situation is considered in every aspect, to be considered not allowed - however rather than fixing the situation, the system itself, nowadays mostly made up of tactical and power-thinking fascists, than moral and logical oversight - is crafting one false situation after another to mask and cover-up what has happened.


In my first proper job following this situation, the system was forced to create the context that I was being told and checked into the system properly. This was by my line manager at the time, at around the age of 23. There was still a 10 on my profile and I was told that because of how I got it, I must be checked-in. However, it is then that this older family member offers my manager a 10, in order to phone the boss and pretend I'm attacking her. Going as far as to once again physically steal my key from me and NHS paramedics actually working with the system, to memory wipe me of the situation - while keeping the context that I had been told properly, checked-in and instead was mental so would have to be lied to and manipulated instead.


In the next job that I went to, the similar logic continued. After a year of working, in a pub I was told unusual department level rules and codes, more metaphors for the system - in which if anyone in the department disliked you then you'd lose your 'piece of cake' with them and if you lost it with everyone, they'd give you a birthday cake and you'd have to leave. Even with highly ridiculous stories that I had to pretend a female work colleague was my biological sister or I'd be bullied. And instructed on hand movements I'd have to make that would allow me to keep my job, that actually had secret code attached it which would once again give 10's to those bullying me. All this abstract garbage once again being followed by memory wiping.


Continually since, and on-gong now my body is being controlled by this implant to make me say and do things. Lies are being constructed of what I am saying or doing, to the point of when people harm me, it is put on my profile that I've done it to someone else. All this being done with the authority of 10's and by handing out 10's, that all originally emanate from my profile or me simply being drugged and the key physically taken from me with no reason.


My situation is relevant to everyone in the system, as it demonstrates a significant situation of how the authority of those using time-travel to insist we do whatever they say, is simply being physical stolen from being that are most logical and moral. And it shows how the system itself is being crafted around people that are pretty much criminals with false claims to their status.



Information database and support service, for anyone that needs to check-in or stop abuse within the Human Interaction Mechanism. If you need to know more or want to discuss ways you could check-in via your employer, friends or family, you can contact us at

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